Friday, April 20

Day 4 of Glory

Day 4 sponsored with love by Lisa Karstel.

"Out of difficulties grow miracles."

This is dedicated to [...]

Thursday, April 19

Day 3 of Glory

Thank you to Bobz in Johannesburg for her message on Day 3:

"Today I send my [...]

Wednesday, April 18

Day 2 of Glory

Thank you to my friend from across the ocean in the Bahamas for Day 2 of the campaign:

To my dearest & wonderful two boys

"I'll love you both till the ocean is folded and hung up to dry"

Massive Congratulations to the a fabulous Blog! 

Anna xo

Rays of Glory in the Bahamas

Tuesday, April 17

Day 1 of Glory

Thank you to my Mom for kicking off 200 days of Glory with her love and support for the little things in life.

"I just Love [...]

Monday, April 16

200 days of glory!

Today we launch 200 days of radiance and glory!

As a family you understand in difficult times, that there is nothing that matters more than the love and support of those people you are surrounded by.

200 days of glory launches today on this beautiful Monday 16th April.

I am asking you to [...]

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