Friday, June 29

It's a sign!

We all have days where we wonder what it is all about. Today remember that we have no idea as individuals as to the amazing work that is being done in our favour behind the scenes of our life.

Believe that while you sleep and work day to day, the universe is weaving it's magic in your favour!

Have a wonderful Friday.

Thursday, June 28

Angel of Harlem

I do believe in Angels.

Did you know that we all have a guardian angel looking out for us and those we love in all we do!

There is one little thing you have to remember when it comes to your angel and that is that if you do not talk to your angels and ask them for guidence and advice, they cannot help you.

Try it today and just speak quietly to your guaridan angel and ask him or her to guide in whatever task it is that you are working though at the moment.

Look out for angels in the form of coins and feathers on the ground. These are the angels way of sending little signs to you to let you know they are with you.

Wednesday, June 27

Some days you just get carried away and instead of having a little pre-positive action, we are looking back over hump day and seeing what we have achieved.   I have loved every minute of today and am using the power of positive thinking to shape and mould my universe as I wish. Did you know you can even bring people into your life you have always wanted to meet or be friends with merely through the power of positive thinking.

Tuesday, June 26

"Tonight's the night!"

There is one thing I have learnt in this beautiful world and that is if you don't ask, you don't get!

My Mom always taught me this. It is sometimes as simple as asking the universe or more literally your boss, partner or whom ever for what it is you are striving for and you will be so surprised how often you will get it.

Last night I asked Rodd Sewart for a hug and low and behold! hahaha

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