Thursday, November 8

Listen to this

"The best way out is always through."
Robert Frost

Made more prevalent by the words of The Doors, break on through to the other-side!

Keep on going, you can do it!

Wednesday, November 7

Obama Time!

The whole world watched as Obama takes on a new term ad President of the United States.

A brilliant lesson in that even the toughest of battles can be won but never without hard work.

Tuesday, November 6

Angels in the Architecture

Remember there are Angels all around us and sometimes all you have to do is ask...

Monday, November 5

Remember remember

...the 5th of November.

With bonfire night over, we have a special November month to look forward to.

I always love this month of the year as it gives us a little more time before the celebrations of Christmas!

Have a happy Monday!

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