Friday, February 10

The Happiness Plan in a nutshell

How exciting it is Friday! You have weekend ahead to unwind and spend time with those you love.

Let's recap what we have learnt this week:

  • By training your brain to see the positive in every situation, you are able to re-program your thought process to automatically think, feel and be happy.
  • You are one in a million and have the ability to add your unique touch to everything you feel moved by. Share your thoughts and opinions.
  • Find what makes you happy and shout it out to the world. 
  • Sadness is a very natural human emotion and can act as a strong trigger for action in your life. Use your sadness but never feed it.
  • Remember your cause in this life and fight for it everyday.
Have a wonderful weekend! 

Share all you have to offer in this world and accept everything that is new to you with open arms.

Till Monday, over and out. 

Agent Gold

Thursday, February 9

What are you fighting for?

Nothing in this world is a given and we have to learn to be patient, believe in ourselves and to believe in the best outcome for any situation no matter what.

All too often I see people who are capable of great things, lacking faith in themselves and in the world around them. It seems they have become [...] too

Wednesday, February 8

"Sad songs say so much" Elton John

A very interesting quote came in a comment on yesterdays post.This is something we have to consider for our Happiness Plan.

"The word happiness would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness." Carl Jung 
It has been proven that people who are happy with their life in the present are more [...]

Tuesday, February 7

Do what you believe!

It is too often that we are afraid of what others may think to shine our own "Little Light of Glory!"

The most magnificent thing about being on this earth is [...]

Monday, February 6

The Happiness Plan

As soon as you realise that being happy now is the answer, you will stop living for some point in the future and start living now. 

Welcome to the "Radiant Daily Happiness Plan." Be happy now and [...]

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