The most magnificent thing about being on this earth is [...]
being you. What fun to own an identity and character that is unique!
Your opinions and thoughts are matchless. Share them for goodness sake!
You have the ability to add your touch to everything you feel moved by.
Our lesson today comes from the late Steve Jobs in his 2005 Stanford University commencement speech.
"There is no reason not to follow your heart." Watch the speech here
Find what makes you happy and shout it out to the world.
Steve Jobs also said that if you look deep down inside "somehow you already know what you want to become and everything else is secondary."
As we implement our "RD Happiness Plan" we need to love and adore ourselves for who we are and how we see the world! Start now by shining your "Little Light of Glory" just that much brighter!

Do three things this week that put your unique stamp out there.
- give your opinion in a meeting at work.
- make a comment on something that catches your eye on Facebook (Like)
- stop being afraid to speak up when it comes to something you are passionate or well informed about
- be proud of who you are
We going to learn all about this balance tomorrow! x