Friday, March 30

Friday Foot Tap

This post is dedicated  to my Lolly Pops who sent me this link that has shattered any exhaustion or signs of a hard week and got me Friday foot tapping like a mad woman!

In the words of our wedding song, "Don't Stop Believing!"

Listen here and prepare to have your life changed! STAT


My Radiantascanbe La who invented the Friday Foot Tap! 

Thursday, March 29

Oh Boy, another Mountain

It it that time again.

You need to be reminded of the power you have within you to visualise where you would like to be (recap here) and how you are going to get there.

You also need to be reminded of [...]

Wednesday, March 28

Get back to where you once belonged

We stop for a coffee break every so often to reflect.

I love to look back at my diary every three months and see where the world has taken me.

You have a precious little Book of Glory that you carry around and use to make notes, stick in things you love, add quotes and write thoughts and ideas.

Stop for a while and sit over a skinny latte or the likes and reflect on [...]

Tuesday, March 27

Make it your own

Too often we spend our time looking at glossy magazines and trying to make ourselves into something we are not.

Stop and make a change, make it your own! Your own figure suits your own style and your own look!

Be proud of your body and remind yourself everyday [...]

Monday, March 26

#(add cute phrase)

The world of Twitter and the Tweeps that use it!

I have always liked to find out the latest trend and try it out for myself. OK so I was a little slow to become a Twerper, I mean a Tweeter, but I have grasped it somehow and am now an addict.

I know a few of you who have also hopped onto the bandwagon but let me warn you it comes with it's downsides!

I have to stop myself from using # (add cute phrase) in conversation both serious and otherwise. I get world news faster from Twitter than anywhere else and it scares me to death that this is the way the world is turning.

Massive organisations, key opinion leaders and celebs are utilising Twit-land to develop trends, test new ideas and spread world news.

Try it out but don't blame me if once you "click" in with other Twerps and start Twerping like mad, that you aren't hooked!

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