Wednesday, January 11


Be the designer of your life!

With this week's theme being "A New Way of Thinking" it is important not to forget that in order to think and to do, one has to feel first. You are a magnet so close your eyes and feel love, feel success and feel happiness.

Positive thoughts and feelings far outweigh negative ones and as soon as you feel nega
tivity CUT+REPLACE it with a stronger, positive thought.

I hope this morning you have your book of glory.
See below three RD followers who sent in their brand new books of glory...

With your first entry spend time on the way to work or before bed really visualising your dreams.

If you want a new job, have fun designing it in your mind. In the same way you can design your ideal partner's character traits, your body or your perfect lifestyle.

Design the you that doesn't smoke, that reads more or is fit and active and soon this will become you.

When my Husband (lets call him Shoes) and I found our first apartment, we walked in, looked around and assessed all the practical details but it was only when he sat down on the couch, arms spread out, that I was able to close my eyes and really visualise the time we would spend in this house. I saw dinner parties, movie nights and a real home for Shoes and I. 

I now use this visualisation tool as a measure for what I really want as it is very hard to visualise things that you don't really want.

 Try this in your life too, it is powerful and like anything practice makes perfect.

Close your eyes for five minutes today and see your dream.

“You must see your goals clearly and specifically before you can set out for them. Hold them in your mind until they become second nature.”
- Les Brown


  1. The best part of my day , is getting this blog :)you so clever cath path xx donne

  2. Thank you Agent Gold for the inspiration that I needed. Please keep the posts coming xxxxx


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