Friday, November 30

Country Time!

Country with 12 screaming woman here we come!

There is nothing like getting away and a little change of scenery to get yourself into gear for another week.

Bring on a special weekend of love and celebration!

Thursday, November 29

Cause when you start me up!

The post today is inspired by Mick Jagger as we are seeing him in concert tonight! 

His lyrics are always well applied to life.

"If you start me up I'll never stop, never stop."

Tuesday, November 27

Give a little...

Do one thing everyday for someone else!

The Universe works in wonderful ways and you will always be pleasantly surprised by the chain reaction you can start!

Monday, November 26

Stop and smell the roses!

Don't hurry through life, it will suddenly catch up with you.

Take one day at a time and lovingly enjoy it for every moment it presents!

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