What better way to do this than to fire up radiantascanbe again.
I was prompted to begin with blogging about the baby shower my sister and I hosted for the what will soon be the newest addition to our growing family, our Little Shoes.
In true pregnancy style, I have been nesting, building and creating a home and space for the little one that is beautiful and comfortable for us all.
Today's post is to remind you to remember the child in you. The use of crayons, colour and glitter glue can really lift your spirits, even if only for the off occasion you may be hosting.
I handmade little paper shoes for the shower and filled them with Haribo Jelly babies. In South Africa you can find anything you get in the car and drive but London is a little more tricky. I have therefore concluded that there is nothing you cannot get on Amazon and all my glue pens, scissors and even 4kg box of Haribo Jelly Babies came from there.
Who says you don't have time when you can have all this on your doorstep by the time you get home from work!
Who says you don't have time when you can have all this on your doorstep by the time you get home from work!

Pinterest is my best go to guide for new ideas and I copied this idea from a board I pinned onto my page. See here: Radiantascanbe Pinterest

My Mom always did watermelon baskets for us as kids and I want to give Little Shoes the same happy memories with my first attempt at the below. Thank you to my husband, Shoes, for cutting this according to pattern and Lala for all her hard work!

We were so proud of our table.

We also boiled 24 eggs and made #babyboiledeggs for the day. These went down like a house on fire.
Scoop out the egg white and mix with rock salt, black pepper and mayo. I ordered my little #googlyeyes on Amazon and they arrived in one day. (I swear by Amazon Prime).

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