Wednesday, January 25

Chi - Vital Energy Part 1

In order to develop a Road Map for your life, you have to take action. [...]
 One of the most perfect elements for your Road Map of Glory is Chi.

Today we are going to learn about Chi or Vital EnergyIt is believed that by understanding the rhythm and flow of Chi you have the power to create stability and longevity in your life. 

Chi simply translated is life energy

Get in sync with the way you feel about life. Your health, diet and mindset are all interlinked and relate directly to your vital energy. 

You have been doing well so far by following Radiant Daily as this works out your mental Chi  just like you would work out your body at the gym. Keep this up as a work out for your brain is vital!

Chi gives you power in life to make change in any and all areas. 

Your Road Map will lead you straight to the stars if you understand how to gather Chi and strengthen this force within you. 

Book of Glory Activity:

From now on take active note that you are getting enough sleep, the correct diet and a good balance of exercise and fun.

Lifestyle choices help us gather and strengthen our Chi. Balance is the key word here as too much exercise and too little food can cause imbalance.

Gather as much vital energy as you can daily. You can feel it, it is like magic in the air.


  1. Howdy Agent Gold :-)

    Firstly, I must say I was truly touched and honored to be the subject of your blog last Friday.

    As you mentioned, my year started off with an emergency surgery - not the best way to start the year by any means - however, amazingly, it has turned out to be one of the most positive events in my adult life.

    How is emergency surgery positive you say??? Basically I cannot agree more with today's blog! Before the surgery, I wasn't living the healthiest of lifestyles, post-op, I am a new man - have completely redesigned my "inner Chi" :-) Whole new diet, whole new cROCKet. I have lost 13 lbs in three weeks and am planning on losing another 20 or so (6-pack coming 2013).

    One could say I am now being fueled by radiance!!!


    1. You are simply the best! #madaboutit!

      Let the Radiance fuel you to infinity and beyond!


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