Wednesday, February 8

"Sad songs say so much" Elton John

A very interesting quote came in a comment on yesterdays post.This is something we have to consider for our Happiness Plan.

"The word happiness would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness." Carl Jung 
It has been proven that people who are happy with their life in the present are more [...]
  • creative and motivated
  • productive and engaged
  • full of energy

What we do have to understand is that amoungst all this, sadness is a very natural human emotion. Sad emotions come and go and some have a trigger whilst others just arrive with no warning. The contrast between sadness and happiness just adds weight to how grand it is to feel happy! 

Never let yourself believe that by feeling sad that you are in some way weak or that it detracts from this amazing positivity you are working on daily.

If you feel sad then feel sad! Never suppress or deny these feelings. 

  • Release them by having a cry or turning to someone you can talk to. 

  • Move past your sadness and reinstate your positivity within a set time limit. Mope on the couch tonight but wake up with a smile tomorrow. Or wallow for an hour and then move past your sadness as best you can.

  • Sadness has inspired some of the greatest novels, love stories and music of our time. Use your sadness to be creative but never feed your sadness.

Sadness can also act as a strong trigger for action in your life!

You may feel sad as a result of needing a change in an area of your life. Sadness may come about as a result of you needing to deal with stress or an unhappy relationship. It could also be a sign that now is the time to do more to help yourself to be better in this life.

Book of Glory Activity:

CLICK HERE AND LISTEN to this sad song that inspires change, love and joy! 

This post title was inspired by Elton John who says about sad songs, 
"When all hope is gone, sad songs say so much."


  1. Thank you so much for today's blog. It has put so much into perspective for me in my life. i have been going through a really tough time and have struggled to find a way out of it. Today i feel like i can be myself again and be positive. Now its time to start making things happen and making that positive change.

    Please keep your positivity flowing.....

  2. "To insure good health: Eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life."

    - William Londen


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