Thursday, January 19

Little green shoots a sprouting

I told my friend yesterday over lunch, "Ralph (let's call her that) never look back!" It is so important to keep your eyes for
ward on what is to come. Look back only to understand the lesson from the past but for nothing else. 

A different thing altogether though, is reflection.

"Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action." Peter Drucker

You can feel it, the green shoots that are starting to grow beneath your feet. You have worked hard to get to this point. Hopefully you have discovered growth and development in yourself since you've joined

With a positive way of life, there is much goodness in store for you. Let's grow these tiny green shoots into beautiful flowers.

Today we are taking a coffee break to reflect on how far we have come... 

Go back to the work in progress in your Book of Glory and see what you have achieved.

Invest in a set of highlighters. These are the best tools for reviewing your book. Once you feel you have achieved certain goals, highlight them! 

You will not believe how your dreams start to stand out over time.

What is exciting is that you will realise that the most important thing that is starting to stand out over time is YOU. Today we celebrate this! 

My sister (lets call her Fuzzy) and I were overexcited chatting about our Books of Glory. She had spent Sunday morning in the London winter sunshine at a coffee shop focusing on her Book of Glory.

We both came to the conclusion that working daily on being positive takes a lot of energy. This is why today is the day to make yourself a cup of coffee and reflect on the real signs of growth in your life; the green shoots.

Look in the mirror this morning and say "I am!"

Book of Glory Activity:

Go back through all your entries and highlight areas where you have made real progress! Choose different colours for different goals. Green for the goal that needs more focus or pink for what you have achieved! This will give you a real sense of accomplishment. A clear appreciation for the little green shoots that are sprouting ...

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