Wednesday, January 18

Move Past your Mountain

Whatever your mountain is today, we are going to try and move past it. Onwards and upwards.

We all have "mountains" in life. Hard times, work, health, relationship difficulties, family trouble and pers
onal strife. They come and go and some are harder to climb than others. 

On days like these it is more important than ever to try try try to see the light...
Don't take the bad days too hard. Put a time limit on how long you dwell on a difficult circumstance. 
Then, like a negative thought,  cut it and move past your mountain. Say no to rumination! 

Look at the bigger picture and understand that like the tide, there is ebb and flow. 

"Happiness is not a matter of events; it depends upon the tides of the mind." Alice Meynell

Never let the fear of embarrassment or what others may think get you down. We all have them; mountains that seem insurmountable. 

I was made redundant a month before I got married. I have never felt so sick in my life. I was ill at the thought of what had happened to me and even worse at what others would think. Can you believe that besides Shoes and my direct family, I never spoke about it to a soul! I mean honestly! I look back now at that difficult time and wonder why I never shared it with those who love me. What a waste of pent up feelings. I let that mountain get the better of me for too long! Don't do the same thing.

Take it one step at a time. I am by no means saying it is easy but you have to take the first step to begin. What we are working on together is developing a process and not arriving at a destination.

"Most people achieved their greatest success one step beyond what looked like their greatest failure."
Abraham Lincoln

Book of Glory Activity:

Write one simple sentence. I WILL move past this mountain.

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