Tuesday, January 17

The Power of Perception

It is imperative to understand the power of self perception. Our self perception determines our behaviour. If you believe yourself to be insufficient, you will act that way. So too if you believe yourself to be radiant as can be!

What is per
ception? ...


the process of becoming aware of the world around you through your senses; cognition; understanding.

  • Most people are quick to form a perception of you so best make sure you believe in yourself enough for others to believe in you. 

  • When you have enough self confidence to stop being scared and start asking for what you want in life, things will begin to change. Change the perception the world has of you today.

  • The minute you meet someone for the first time, recall what I have told you now. Hold yourself well and present yourself with dynamism and strength. There is a huge difference between confidence and arrogance. Never confuse the two.

I'm sure you have found yourself in the most testing of job interviews, social meetings or dates. Find the confidence within you to create a perception of yourself that is tailored to such situations. Ninety percent of the time, the situation outcome will be favourable with the help of self confidence and a strong self-perception.

Start now and change your self perception. You have the power at your fingertips to create a perception of yourself to the world. We all do it everyday through Facebook, business meetings and on the phone. If people say you seem shy, start voicing your opinion this week. Maybe you are the one they say is opinionated, so turn to your colleague and ask for their opinion in a group forum. 

Surprise yourself and others by changing the things people perceive about you.

Work hard on this as I believe your perception of self can be the difference between opportunities taken and missed.

"The greatest way to change our self is to allow a change in our self perception. The greatest way to change our world is to change our perceptions about the world. The greatest way for this change to come about is through a change in our self beliefs.
~ Epictetus

Book of Glory Activity:

Perception also works for situations and circumstances. I have chatted to many people who feel their situation is not well suited to a new job, partner or opportunity.

Create a perfect perception of your circumstances. Is your current status "unemployed" or are you taking time out to find what you really want to do. Are you "single and lonely" or are you becoming the best possible version of yourself to share with someone else when you meet them.

Create two columns. How you feel the world perceives you and How you would like to be perceived.
Once you have populated both columns, start there and then to make the change.



  1. This is great!! I'm loving the daily activities :)

  2. Agent Gold, you brighten up my life one morning at a time :-) Love you! xxx


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